Motor vehicle accidents can be hugely disruptive and have a significant impact on people’s lives. Our dedicated team of consultants are committed to helping your patients regain their pre-accident health and quality of life. From connecting them to essential treatment services to supporting them to return to work and guiding them throughout the recovery process, we prioritise their needs
Why refer directly to us?
Benchmark have been working with insurance companies for more than 10 years. Over those years we have established an excellent reputation for our recovery support in treating injuries from motor vehicle accidents.
Fast service
Our team will reach out to your patient within 24 hours and schedule appointments that work for them, so they can get the urgent support they need to help improve their recovery outcomes.
Experienced team
We have a highly skilled team of allied health professionals, including Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist, ready to assist your patients’ recovery after a motor vehicle accident.
Comprehensive assessment
Our team will do a careful and thorough evaluation of your patient’s injury, medical history, and what they want to achieve. We will create a personalised plan for you patient to help them achieve their recovery goals, and also provide tailored support for self-care, household tasks, and returning to work.
Convenience and location
Our team are mobile and work out in the community so they can come to your patient’s home or workplace, or wherever is most convenient for them.
No cost to patient
Our services are free of charge to all patients and are directly funded by the patient’s CTP insurer.
Patient’s choice and control
Following a car accident, many patients do not realise they have the ability to choose their rehabilitation provider.
Choosing a provider enables each patient to have control in their recovery journey, allowing them to select a provider that fits their specific needs and specialises in their area of injury. Ultimately supporting more personalised care, enabling them to recover more effectively.
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